Aches and pains ?

A chiropractor is your partner in restoring and maintaining your health. He is trained to give you the best advice to help you optimize your health and prevent the emergence of health problems. He can create a personal program based on your physical condition, your age and your health objectives.

We can help you !

Whether it is for pain or discomfort, Dr. Cifola’s clinic can offer you personalized and adapted care.

Ever since his graduation in 1987 from the Canadian Chiropractic College in Toronto, Dr. Riccardo J. Cifola continues to expand his knowledge in many fields related to chiropractic such as nutrition, neurology, radiology as well as various therapeutic approaches.

Testimonials ++++++

I had been having problems walking for several years but it got worse in the last nine months. I had to stop going to the gym because it was too tiring and too painful for me. In Febuary, my sister suggested that I see Dr. Riccardo Cifola. Not only did Dr. Cifola ”fixed me up’’ but he gave me hope that I can grow older without pain. Now I do more in one week than I did in 9 months! – Denise Légaré